Tiny Yogi Love

Tiny Yogi Love

Friday, 30 September 2011

One day weekend

Before moving to India, we used to teach around 8 - 10 classes a week, 
and that was the absolute maximum. 
Since we are the only teachers at the studio here, 
we teach 12 classes a week and get one day off.
One day. Yup. 
This weekend Saturday is my day off (hooray today!)
and Craig teaches the 2 morning classes and 
then we switch on Sunday and it's his turn.  
One thing about being a Bikram Yoga Teacher....no weekend.  
Or one day weekend.
So that means when you get your one day off, 
you treasure it, love it and make the most of it! 
And that's exactly what I plan to do... Happy Weekend!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Today I choose travel...

There is so much that I've experienced here in India that I wouldn't have anywhere else. I have seen and done things that I wouldn't have otherwise...it's hard to describe, it's a place that you have to experience for yourself. At times, it's overwhelming, and there are days when I long for the familiarity of home, where things make more sense and the people I love aren't so far away. But I wouldn't trade the experience of India, of these last four months just to be comfortable or live in the familiar. Isn't that the point of travel in some ways, you are stepping out of your comfort zone to learn a new culture, to learn more about yourself and to be uncomfortable?? And in doing so you gain so much...I realize that travel isn't everyone's thing and that's okay. I believe we all travel in our own way,  and this does not necessarily mean getting on a plane to another country or living somewhere brand new.

Every day is a new adventure and 
we have the choice to step out of our comfort zones 
or stay with the familiar. 
Which do you choose?

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

I love coffee. Alot.

Okay, so one thing that people are always surprised about is how much Craig and I love coffee. Maybe it's because we teach yoga and for some reason yoga teachers aren't supposed to drink it?? I don't know, but we missed that boat I think because we drink it every day, and happily without any guilt. One thing we miss about home is the amazing coffee we could get every day. Here in India, it's not quite the same, unfortunately. But we still make do and have found a few little cafes that we like that do a pretty good cup of joe. I'm not sure when my obsession with a good flat white or iced latte started, maybe back when I was in college working at the coffee shop for extra cash at night. Or it could have been watching my mom drink whole pots of the stuff as I was growing up! Okay, maybe not a whole pot but I think it was close sometimes. She loves it too.

 Coffee is my quiet time in the morning. It's when Craig and I sit after class and talk about our teaching and yoga and life in general. It's when I visit my mom and we haven't seen each other in 6 months because I live in another country now and we sit and sit with our coffee and just enjoy the conversation.

So when people tell me I should give it up, as I've been told before, see if I can quit and drink tea instead, I just smile and nod. It's easier that way, because clearly they are from the other side. And there's no way I'm giving up my coffee time, nope nope.

I hope you enjoy your coffee time today! 

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Monday Morning Melodies

Music can make you feel so many different things, that's why, especially at the start of my day, I need to have the right tunes. If you start your day off with happiness for your ears, you can't go wrong! This morning feels like a Matt and Kim kind of day...hope you enjoy this song as much as I do! It makes me smile every time I hear it.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Being a Bikram Yoga Teacher makes life pretty cool...

Ever since I quit my job and decided to be a Bikram Yoga teacher, life has been pretty awesome. I met my love, Craig, at Teacher Training, and moved to another country, because he is not from America, as I am. In fact, he lived very very far away from my country....Australia to be exact. This was a bit tricky once I realized I was completely in love with him, but it worked out quite well and I am now totally off the topic I was starting to write about. Which is...since becoming teachers, we were offered the opportunity to live in India for 6 months and teach. I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd get to visit India, but here we are! Being here is amazing, it's beautiful, loud, sad, but peaceful as well...we are learning so much...as teachers, as individuals...about life, the yoga, each other. I wasn't quite sure where my life was going to take me once I made the leap and became a Bikram Yoga teacher...but so far it's been an amazing ride, who knows what will happen next. For now I will enjoy the time I have in India, it's going too fast!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

In the Quiet of the Morning...

As I get ready for my early morning yoga class, I can't help but revel in the quiet of the morning...the time before the bustle, when all is still new in the day. This is one of the best times, when peace seems to prevail and I am awaiting what this day holds...I feel like this is almost when I am my best version of me, no negative thoughts have made their way into my mind yet, I am positive and happy. I hope I can hold onto this version of myself and carry it with me the rest of the day, no matter what life throws at me! Happy Friday, hope you can enjoy your day as the best version of yourself as well.