Tiny Yogi Love

Tiny Yogi Love

Monday, 24 March 2014

This is for all of the women

This is for all of the women.
This is for you.
Yes, it's for you dear sister, friend,
mother, wife, daughter and lover.

For the ones who are never satisfied
with the image looking back at them.
This is for your struggle,
the constant struggle!
to be something different,
to be like her....or her...even her.
Anything but you, yourself, the image looking back at you.

This is for the minutes, hours, days, nights...
is it a lifetime?
of trying to change, fix, perfect your already beautiful being.
This is for those moments spent (wasted)
starving, binging, purging, planning...
How long will you believe the lies? (those voices)
It's already been too long, too many minutes, my friend.

This is your life, now, it's here sister!
The voices, the demons, of course they will try to drag you down.
But listen, there will always be people out there ready
to pull you up, to hold you up, embrace, to love, love, love you up.
I love you, I see you,
all of your beauty,
your one and only kind of beauty.

This is for all of the women,
a call of sorts,
look up!
Yes, it's for you too.
You are strong and beautiful and fierce and so much more than you realize.
This is for you.
We can hold each other up, together,
here, take my hand.
I see you, your one and only kind of beauty.

 *       *      *      *       *        *      *      *      *        *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *

If you or someone you know has an eating disorder, please talk to someone, it's time. Don't wait any longer. 


Love from Oz.