Tiny Yogi Love

Tiny Yogi Love

Saturday, 27 June 2015

the quiet call

 I hear a quiet call...

I know you hear it too...
It starts as a whisper,
so soft you think you're imagining it.
Yet you stop, straining to understand
The sound, so powerful yet muffled.

It's a call to your bones,
your heart
your skin
your soul
your whole being,
an awakening.
it's time.

It's the call of who you've always been,
a reminder of sorts....
for you've forgotten along the way.
And when you look down,
the chains are heavy, so heavy
and you feel them
dragging you along.

Your heart longs to crack open wide,
wide, so wide...
Your feet long to run, so fast and far.
Your body aches for the fire,
shaking with passion,
trembling with desire.

The call is no longer quiet
and the sound fills your entire being.
You try to contain it,
the wild dance brewing in your soul,
your eyes wide, your skin tingling.
Your dance is fierce...
beautiful, sweaty and strange all at once
and as you move
the chains of an appropriate life crumble,
dust to the earth.

Your wings open wide,
reaching and stretching and remembering
that flight is inevitable.
You forgot what this felt like,
the power and strength of your freedom.
Your feet float ever so slowly off of the ground
As you begin to take flight...
Light and peaceful.

I hear a quiet call
for the wild, strange soul dance
inside of me, (inside of you)
and the flight of freedom
in my wings.
it's time.

I know you hear it too...

Love from Oz.

All rights reserved. Chrissy Beth

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Broken woman

Today I am a broken woman.
I feel all the bones in my body

They ache with the weight of change
At any moment they might crumble to the ground...
and part of me wouldn't mind that. 

Today I am a broken woman
With less to give than I'd like

In fact, I'm empty
So if you take anything
It's a facade
the surrounds of me

You can have it
But I can't promise it will bring you any joy or love.

Today I am a broken woman

There is a song inside of me
The melody a bit haunting
but so beautiful all at once

I thought it was new at first
but then realized it's always been there
In all women

A universal tune we share 
Our anthem, if you will
The union of all of our stories
Combined into this one everlasting song
A song of healing.

Today I am a broken woman
I see my sisters in their beauty and their pain
I see you.

In our struggle and tears 
All the moments of painful truth that we become 
We become more beautiful.
I see your beauty, sister.

Today I am a broken woman
It will pass
The fog will lift and my bones will find their strength
To hold me
Hold others

I will face the world in full power and love.
But for now
I will be okay with crumbling
It's what I need

I will embrace my broken pieces 
and sing them the universal tune
the one that leaks out my eyes 
and down my cheeks
the one that heals. 

And I will love myself
In this 
This moment 
Of pure
Raw transformation. 

 Love from Oz.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

This one's for the misfits.

This one's for the misfits.
The freaks,
The weirdos.
The ones who can't seem to fit the mold. No matter how hard they try.
And you've tried hard.
This one's for anyone who keeps striving to follow the formula society has fed you but
Can't. Quite. Make. It. Work.

So you look for an escape...
Drugs, alcohol, sex, work, violence, pills, food....anything to make you feel less wild, less freakish...
Or just to feel less.
You think, numb is what I want.
Numb will make me normal.

Numb from the wild, beautiful beating of your heart.
Numb from that knowing that you aren't supposed to settle for this one way.
You know there's so much more, so many different ways.
Numb from all that you desire and all that you see...
Numb from the pain of trying to be someone you're not.

This one's for the misfits.
This one's for the beautiful souls that bring colour to our world.
Your rainbow is brilliant and we need more of your colour.
This one's for the freaks,
In all of your glorious light. So much light.
Why do you keep covering it up?
Let it shine bright.

Now's the time to be you,
the weird, wild, freakishly unique being that you are.
Normal is not part of your journey, normal is not what you're made of, not your calling.
Normal isn't going to bring you happiness or peace
and it certainly won't fill your heart with love. (they'll try to say I'm crazy but you know I'm right)

Screw normal.
Embrace your strange  and your freak and your fantastically colourful soul.
You're so much more than you realise.
Screw numb.
There's so much to feel and see and taste and touch.
So much to breathe in and out and to dream and imagine.
So much life to live and love to give.

This one's for the weirdos.
You are not alone and you are loved.

Love from Oz.